Tag Archives: Gedung Agung

Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta


Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta is better known as the Vredeburg Fort. This particular fort is located opposite the Gedung Agung. This fort has stood the ravages of time and now it stands as a victorious structure and so it is considered to be one of the main spots that one should make it a point to visit.

The Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta was built by the Dutch government in 1765. It was built when Yogyakarta was under the domination of the Dutch. This fort has a fascinating history behind it. It was built so that it could be used to anticipate the canon shots that would be shot by the Sultan’s army. The fort was also built to provide protection to the Dutch Residence here.

The particularities of the Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta

The place is an architectural delight. The entire area of the fort is surrounded by moats. These have been well maintained and these can be seen even today. The entire fort has a rectangular shape. There is also a citadel or a bastion like structure at the corner. This allowed ample space for the soldiers to walk on and get a proper shot at the enemy.

There is a bastion at the southern end of the Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta. It also has a canon from where the view is wonderful. You can see the Sultan’s Palace in all its splendor and glory. Besides this there are also a number of other historical monuments around the Palace that can be seen from this point. The hustle and the bustle of Yogyakarta and the traffic can also be seen from here.

One can easily reach the Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta by taking a leisurely walk from the municipality center. This would also give you the chance of taking in the flavors of the place and feel the colors and essences of Yogyakarta.